Apple Reopens 5 Stores in the US

Apple has begun reopening some retail stores in the United States. Marking the first time the tech giant has opened US stores. Since closing all locations outside of China indefinitely in March.
The business will start with 5 stores in Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, and South Carolina. Apple is encouraging customers to purchase items online when possible. And said that the focus of its open stores will be on providing customer service and support through the Genius Bar.
The move comes after Apple began reopening stores in South Korea, Australia and Austria following its unprecedented decision to temporarily close all stores beyond China in March to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
New cases in those countries have decreased dramatically. In part because of early response and widespread testing, and retail and public life has began to reopen.
Apple Says: “Each Stores Will Implement Safety Procedures”
Apple also said each store will implement safety procedures that involve social distancing. Conduct temperature checks, and require customers to wear face coverings before entering.
“As local guidance varies round the US there could also be slight modifications to our procedures,” Apple said during a statement.
“As always, our thoughts are with everyone suffering from COVID-19 and people working round the clock to treat, study and contain its spread.”
Coronavirus-prevention measures in america also have had a dramatic influence on the economy. Unemployment surging to 14.7% as the country lost a record 20.5 million jobs.
A number of states have eased lockdown measures and begun reopening certain elements of the economy, despite rates of COVID-19. Such states include Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kansas, and Missouri among others.