General Knowledge

6 Benefits for Your Health When You Have Regular Sex

Having a regular sex life is also important for our health. If we have regular sex twice a week, we have done something good for our health. Here are 6 benefits for our health of regular sex life.

1. Risk of heart attack is reduced

Regularly sex reduce heart attack odds.

By regularly having sex, we reduce the risk of heart attack. Research shows that people who regularly have sex are less likely to have a heart attack.

2. Blood pressure is reduced

Regularly sex reduce blood pressure

Regular sex helps our blood pressure reducing. Thus, we can be better protected from many diseases related to high blood pressure.

3. The immune system gets stronger

Regulary sex makes immune system stronger

Regular sex helps to us increase our resistance to microplasma. So you have to make lots of love for a better working immune system.

4. The problem of insomnia is reduced

Regularly sex reduced insomnia problem

If we a couple of times at least twice a week in sex, our insomnia problems will also diminish. It makes sleep easier.

5. Increased resistance to pain

Regulary sex increase tolerance for pain

Sex also allows the secretion of chemicals that allow our bodies to cope with pain. We have more resistant for pain.

6. The libido is under controlled

Regularly sex controls libido

Libido, the sexual instinct that forms the basis of human life power and behavior, is controlled by a regular sex life. So we do not have sex anywhere in our minds. We prevent the concentration and motivation losts.

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