
Space Photos: Europa! Don’t Think Go There!

If you are looking for life in the solar system, maybe start with the icy moons. One of the most likely to harbor life is Jupiter’s third Galilean satellite, Europa.

Hidden beneath its thick crust of ice is thought to be a massive interior ocean, containing more water than all of Earth combined. It’s salty too. (We know this because when NASA sent its Galileo spacecraft to Jupiter in the 1990s, the magnetometer on board the spacecraft found something conducting electricity on Europa.

And what is a good electrical conductor? Salt. But Europa is also unique in that its surface is covered in what is called “chaos terrain.” These odd patterns are thought to be created by a variety of processes, the main one being something called tidal heating or tidal flexing.

All planets and their moons experience this, (thanks to our moon for the tides), but Jupiter is so huge that it really pushes and pulls its moons as they orbit around, and that creates friction. And that friction creates heat, causing the surface to expand and crack.

Then, when it’s in other positions with respect to the planet, the moon cools back down and the surface contracts again and freezes in place. Over billions of years this process has created a moon covered in what looks like jigsaw pieces. Europa also has plumes (eruptions of water from deep inside the planet), or so we think, and this possible churning of water and slushy ice could also be altering the appearance of the surface.

Where we find water on Earth we also tend to find life, and scientists think the same could be true for Europa: NASA’s Clipper mission is due to launch in 2024 with the sole purpose of exploring the habitability of this beautiful icy world.

This week we are going to sit atop the Galileo spacecraft and dip low above the surface of Europa. Thanks to newly processed images from this mission, we’re going to see this moon in more detail than ever. Europa, attempt no landing there! Nope, we’re going. Strap in!

Amazing Europa Photos

Europa surface

The puzzling, fascinating surface of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa looms large in this newly reprocessed color view, made from images taken by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft in the late 1990s.NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute

Europa surface

These next three images were all taken on September 26, 1998. This photo shows an area called Chaos Transition, which shows different blocks and shapes likely created by the push and pull of the tidal forces exerted by Jupiter.Photograph: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute

europa surface Chaos Near Agenor Linea

Our final image in this series shows more chaos terrain in a region called Chaos Near Agenor Linea. This area shows where blocks of land have moved and shifted over time.Photograph: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute

europa jupiterfacing hemisphere

If you could stand on Jupiter, this would be your view of Europa. This vantage point also does a good job of showing this moon’s wear and tear. Those darker veins are collected non-ice materials, mostly salt. Photograph: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

europa surface crisscrossing bands

This is a region called Crisscrossing Bands (NASA isn’t always *that* creative with names), and you can see why. These salty veins cross over each other, creating bands that were likely made when the surface cracked open and closed back up again.Photograph: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute

highresolution image of surface

For some sense of scale, here is the highest-resolution image of Europa. You can see the depth of some of these canyons and places where the breaks knit back together after being slowly torn away during Jupiter’s tugs. Photograph: NASA/JPL

rising over jupiter

When the New Horizons spacecraft was en route to Pluto, it flew past Jupiter and captured this incredible photo of Europa rising over the massive planet. Photograph: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute


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