Hippie Review – Paulo Coelho’s Last Book
The last book of the world famous Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, Hippie adorns the shelves of bookstores for a few years. The Hippie, which draws attention with its cover with five different color options, is based on a real story from Coelho’s life in 1970.
In the early 1970s, Hippie movement, which swept the entire world, was the most widespread. In this current that has spread all over the world, young people are doing what they want their lives to do, they do not want war and they say peace, brotherhood and freedom all over the world.
Many of the hippie was traveling around the world with little money in their pocket. Picadilly Circus in London and Dam Square in Amsterdam were meeting places for hippies from all over the world.
The young people came to these squares, met and together they spent time according to the customs of the Hippie philosophy. Among the most popular and curious travel destinations were India and Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu. In particular, Buddhism was a philosophy of interest to the religious Hippie youth.

A 20 Year Old Hippie Paulo Coelho
Before Paulo Coelho became a world famous writer, he was a follower by the hippie culture at the beginning of his 20’s. Instead of choosing classical ways of life for people like getting into a job and marrying and doing children, they wanted to travel around the world with little money in their pocket. Due to this request, Coelho‘s road has fallen to Amsterdam.
Hippie‘s story is actually about Paulo Coelho meeting a beautiful Dutch girl named Karla in Amsterdam. Karla is a woman who has had a lot of experience at a young age, is tired of her life and wants a new adventure, and wants to change her life.
She hopes to find the answers in Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu and she wants to go there. But she does not have the courage to go alone. So she wants a man next to him to take care here.
The roads of Paulo and Karla intersect at Dam Square in Amsterdam. They are impressed themselves when they see each other and soon they meet and spend a few days together. After a few more days, Karla persuades Paulo to go to Katmandu.
They go to Kathmandu by a bus called Magic Bus. This bus goes from Amsterdam to Nepal and costs only 70 dollars. Many adventures are waiting for them after they take the Magic Bus. They go through a lot of countries. Of course, the road falls to Turkey.

A Journey of 1970’s Istanbul
In the book there are beautiful anecdotes about the 1970s of Istanbul. Paulo Coelho also has a lot of interest in Sufism in the book. We do not want to give more information about the book, we do not want to miss the excitement.
In Turkish release on the back cover of the book are the following lines:
“In September 1970, there were two venues that competed for the honor of being the center of the world: Piccadilly Circus in London and Dam Square in Amsterdam. In September 1970, airplane tickets are available for flights but only for elites, because of the cost of tickets.
For an immense mass of young people, the situation was different. In September of 1970, women ruled the world. Young hippie women might be more accurate. Everyone had paranormal powers in September of 1970, and those who were not, they try to how to they find.
In September of 1970, when Paulo has the dreams of to being an author, while traveling around the world pursuing freedom, the life of both would radically change when faced with Karla.
The lost cities of Peru, the dungeons of Brazil, the back streets of Amsterdam, the bazaars of Istanbul will become part of a whole.
Perhaps the closest novel to Paulo Coelho’s life is the Hippie. The story of a search for a peaceful objection that believes another world is possible and a transformational story.“
Some Characters Have Too Long Unnecessarily Space
The criticism we can make about the book is that although two characters are not mentioned enough, and there is a great deal of space between the two characters, Jacques and Marie immediately.
This transition, which was made without warming up these characters before. Ans this is a bit annoying because it is a bit distant from the main topic of the book. Of course, the part that you leave for this daddy girl can be quite interesting when you read it. This is our view.
Hippie in Bookstores Now
The Hippie is waiting for you for 25 TL in bookstores with five different color covers. This 260-page book is not the best book of Coelho. It’s ideal for reading on near by the sea or pool in summer. You can also watch the video review about the book from here or below on this page.
View Paulo Coelho Hippi Review
Who is Paulo Coelho? – Biography
Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian writer and songwriter. He was born in Brazil in 1947. He studied elementary school in San Ignacio. He also won his first prize in a poetry competition at school.
Before writing literary works, he was a songwriter known in his country. His first book, Pilgrimage, was published in 1987. The book covers the traditional pilgrimage of Christians starting from Western Europe and ending in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
His book “Alchemist”, which made him famous worldwide, was published in 1988. The alchemist was a great success, published in 42 languages in 26 languages. Paulo Coelho became the second most read Latin American writer in the world, after Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The book has found its place in the book of “Guiness” records as the most translated language of an alive writer.
The Brazilian writer founded the “Paulo Coelho Institute” with his wife. Through this foundation, it carries out activities to help elderly and poor children. In 2002, he was admitted to the Brazilian Academy of Letters. Paulo Coelho was the first non-Muslim writer to be invited to Iran after the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
Coelho, went to a mental hospital three times, thinking that his family had mental problems. In his book “Veronika Decides to Die”, he was inspired by the mental hospital period.
In his remaining time from writing, Coelho serves as a consultant in Unesco’s “Intercultural Dialogues” program.
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We read and evaluated Paulo Coelho's latest book Hippie. The book is not boring. It's not long either. So it's a complete summer book. You can take it and enjoy it by the sea or the pool. Although Coelho is not as successful as other books, we recommend the book, especially since it is in Istanbul and it comes from a world-famous author.