Apple Made Top Managers Memoji

Apple made top managers Memoji and leaders used these Memoji on all the screens of the leadership pages. We can clearly say that you do not see such top executives as cute. Apple joined the World Emoji Day on July 17th.
The Memoji are the real human photos converted into Emoji. In April of last year Apple released an application for it and offered it to AppStore. This application allows users to turn selfies into Memoji, which they take with mobile phones.

Apple focused on Memoji on the new iPhone X device, which is being marketed with the Apple iOS 12 operating system. Most of Memoji‘s of executives shared by Apple were recognizable. But the most talked-about Apple design guru was Jony Ive‘s Memoji. Joy Ive‘s Memoji, the only not smiling person, draws attention with his gigantic and empty eyes.
Apple design guru Jony Ive